Tag Archives: Constipation

SIBO – The New IBS

SIBO – a simple four-letter acronym that stands for Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth may play a big part in those suffering from IBS symptoms. Recent research is suggesting that up to 80% of those who have been diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome actually have SIBO as the underlying cause, and better yet – when treated for […]

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By: Dr. Sacha | Posted in: Gut Nutrition | Tags: , , , , , , , : | Comment

Bugs in Our Gut – Benefits of Microscopic Critters

The health of the microbiome in out gut cannot be overstated.  Hippocrates, the father of Western medicine, is famously quoted as saying that all disease begins in the gut – and this was 400 years before the birth of Christ!  This was a man ahead of his time. And now, in the 21st century, we have […]

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By: Dr. Sacha | Posted in: Allergies Gut Hormones Immunity & Inflammation Longevity Skin Yeast | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , : | Comment

My Top 10 List of Healthy To-Do’s

The following are my top non-negotiables when it comes to health.  In order to age well, maintain a healthy body, mind and spirit, check out the following pointers and see which areas of your life may need some restructuring:   Be proactive – don’t wait until you’re diagnosed with a disease to take action.  Realize […]

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By: Dr. Sacha | Posted in: Longevity | Tags: , , , , , , , , , : | Comment

Cleanse – Part I

It’s that time of year in which a spring cleanse is in perfect order!  As the dreary winter rains clear and the summer sun whispers that it’s on its way, we become more active, spend more time outdoors and change our eating habits to fresher, livelier foods.  Spring is a time for renewal and wiping […]

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By: Dr. Sacha | Posted in: Detoxification | Tags: , , , , , : | Comment