Monthly Archives: March 2012
Natural, Sustainable Weight Loss
March 4, 2012 – 9:09 pmHowever, we have all watched friends or family go through fad diets – surprisingly, they’re able to quickly and easily shed pounds in a number of weeks, but (unsurprisingly) they often gain it back (and more!) when the diet grows too boring or the fad fades. That’s why I use a program called FirstLine Therapy […]
When Good Thyroids Go Bad…
March 4, 2012 – 7:29 pmTend towards constipation? Feel lethargic often? Tire easily? Difficulty losing weight? If those descriptors hit a cord, consider your thyroid function may be suboptimal. The thyroid gland is the “master control gland” that is located at the base of your throat. It has its hand in all functions of the body as it controls metabolism […]
Energizing Get-Up-&-Go! Smoothie Recipe
March 3, 2012 – 2:05 pmUsing a Magic Bullet or blender, combine the following and blend until smooth: 1/4 cup nuts/seeds (can be any nut of your choosing or a combo – I used what I had on hand: walnuts & pumpkin seeds) 1/3 ripe avocado Cover with milk (organic vanilla soy, almond, rice, hemp, coconut milk, etc.) Next, […]
In need of a personal trainer?
March 2, 2012 – 3:14 pmShe’s had over 15 years of experience in the fitness industry, teaching group exercise classes and working one-on-one with individuals. Although her qualifications, experience, and warm demeanor made an impact, I was especially impressed by her ability to accommodate clients – she will come to you and the training can take place at a gym […]