Monthly Archives: September 2012

Female Hormonal Complaints from Estrogen Dominance

September 22, 2012 – 2:54 pm

Certain underlying factors will predispose one to experience a less-than-ideal monthly flow, such as a diet high in sugar, carbohydrates and poor-quality oils, a lack of exercise, excessive stress, drinking caffeine and a history of pelvic inflammatory disease. One of the most common causes of female menstrual complaints is an imbalance in estrogen and progesterone […]

Flaking Off Psoriasis

September 18, 2012 – 9:32 pm

I was sitting with a teller doing my banking today when she asked me what type of practice I have.  I told her “naturopathic”.  She briefly pulled up her shirt sleeve and flashed some reddish, disturbed skin.  “Can you do anything for psoriasis?” she laughingly joked.  “Actually,” I replied, “have you ever considered…” and off […]