Category Archives: Recipes

An Unconventional Recipe

Sometimes the sweetest meals are created at whim. I had originally found it at a local farmer’s market.  A spaghetti squash almost rolled right off the rack at me, and I knew it was time to experiment.  I had never purchased, baked, or eaten a spaghetti squash before, but had recently seen it as the […]

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By: Dr. Sacha | Posted in: Nutrition Recipes | Tags: , , , : | Comment

Zucchini Pancakes

I’m venturing out in the world of cooking: having grown tired of grains, I’ve decided to attempt a grain-free pancake. Nutritional plans that exclude grains from the diet are gaining more recognition as we’re rocked by a diabetes epidemic, have far too much adipose tissue bulging over our belts, and are chronically dealing with gastrointestinal complaints.  Both […]

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By: Dr. Sacha | Posted in: Nutrition Recipes | Tags: , , , , , : | Comment

Energizing Get-Up-&-Go! Smoothie Recipe

Using a Magic Bullet or blender, combine the following and blend until smooth: 1/4 cup nuts/seeds (can be any nut of your choosing or a combo – I used what I had on hand: walnuts & pumpkin seeds) 1/3 ripe avocado Cover with milk (organic vanilla soy, almond, rice, hemp, coconut milk, etc.)   Next, […]

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By: Dr. Sacha | Posted in: Nutrition Organic Recipes | Tags: , , , , , , , , , : | Comment

Gluten-free Holiday Recipes

There are estimations circulating that more than 75% of our North American population is sensitive or intolerant to gluten (this is different from Celiac disease in which gluten amplifies an autoimmune destruction of the villi in the small intestine). I often suggest to those I see in practice that they eliminate gluten, if not just […]

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By: Dr. Sacha | Posted in: Recipes | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , : | Comment

Banana “Icecream”

If you know me well, you know that I love my deserts!  I have a rather large sweet tooth that often needs to be kept in check. So, I’m sharing with you my favorite (healthy!!) desert.  Some of the best things about this recipe are: it’s delicious, easy to make, practically fat-free, and has no […]

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By: Dr. Sacha | Posted in: Recipes | Tags: , , , : | Comment