I came across an excellent article by Dr. Mercola and wanted to share with my readers. He’s highlighting some great points that we should all be aware of. The original, full article is posted here. The 9 Foods You Should Never Eat By Dr. Mercola June 10, […]
>Read MoreCategory Archives: Detoxification
Foods We Must Be Avoiding
Fertility Complaints
I prefer to call it ‘fertility’ rather than ‘infertility’ when I’m working with soon-to-be moms. I view it as a cooperative effort to create the healthiest, most fertile body possible in order to increase the woman’s chances of raising a healthy, happy baby. I really enjoy working with my fertility patients as they are gung-ho […]
>Read MoreProtecting Against Medical Radiation
Certain common screening tests such as CT scans, mammograms and x-rays produce radiation that may lead to cellular damage and could increase the risk for developing cancer. Taking antioxidants prior to radiation exposure can help protect your cells from the radiation. Check with your doctor before starting this regime if you’re on blood thinning medication […]
>Read MoreWhen Good Thyroids Go Bad…
Tend towards constipation? Feel lethargic often? Tire easily? Difficulty losing weight? If those descriptors hit a cord, consider your thyroid function may be suboptimal. The thyroid gland is the “master control gland” that is located at the base of your throat. It has its hand in all functions of the body as it controls metabolism […]
>Read More‘Tis the Season…
It’s my favorite season of all – finally, a good excuse to unbuckle my belt a couple notches, pour a stiff rum and eggnog, and indulge in as many sweet treats as I can before the New Year rolls in, along with pangs of guilt. Does this sound familiar to you? I think it’s safe […]
>Read MoreProtecting Women
Xenoestrogens are estrogens and chemicals that act as estrogens that come from outside sources rather than being made in our body. Some of the results of our increased exposure to exogenous estrogens are seen in scary health trends: hormone-dependant cancers (ovarian, breast, uterine, prostate) have risen exponentially in the past several decades sperm counts continue […]
>Read MoreToxic Overload – Phthalates
What are they? They are a class of chemicals used in many household products. They’re very prevalent because of their usefulness: 1) they act as a plasticizer to keep substances soft and rubbery, 2) they act as a lubricant to help substances flow together well, 3) they allow lotions to penetrate the skin effectively, and […]
>Read MoreCleanse – Part I
It’s that time of year in which a spring cleanse is in perfect order! As the dreary winter rains clear and the summer sun whispers that it’s on its way, we become more active, spend more time outdoors and change our eating habits to fresher, livelier foods. Spring is a time for renewal and wiping […]
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