Tag Archives: Hormone

Organic – Top Five Reasons Why It’s the Way to Go!

Reduce Potential Health Risks Many chemicals sprayed on fruits and vegetables were EPA-approved before thorough research was conducted.  We now know that the EPA considers 60% of herbicides, 90% of fungicides, and 30% of insecticides as being potentially cancer-causing.  What is more, these chemicals act as estrogen disruptors in the body and wreak havoc on […]

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By: Dr. Sacha | Posted in: Environment Longevity Nutrition Organic | Tags: , , , , , , , : | Comment

Fertility Complaints

I prefer to call it ‘fertility’ rather than ‘infertility’ when I’m working with soon-to-be moms.  I view it as a cooperative effort to create the healthiest, most fertile body possible in order to increase the woman’s chances of raising a healthy, happy baby.  I really enjoy working with my fertility patients as they are gung-ho […]

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By: Dr. Sacha | Posted in: Blood Sugar Detoxification Fertility Hormones Immunity & Inflammation Men's Health Nutrition Women's Health | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , : | Comment

Protecting Women

Xenoestrogens are estrogens and chemicals that act as estrogens that come from outside sources rather than being made in our body. Some of the results of our increased exposure to exogenous estrogens are seen in scary health trends: hormone-dependant cancers (ovarian, breast, uterine, prostate) have risen exponentially in the past several decades sperm counts continue […]

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By: Dr. Sacha | Posted in: Detoxification Environment Hormones | Tags: , , , , , : | Comment

Foundation Support for Hypothryoidism

The thyroid controls the body’s metabolism, so symptoms of hypothyroidism include: Fatigue, lethargy, weakness Depression, irritability, anxiety, insomnia Poor memory & concentration Weight gain, trouble losing weight Sensitivity to cold,  joint/muscle aches Constipation, sluggish digestion Recurring infections, poor immune function High cholesterol Hair thinning/loss, dry hair & skin Brittle, peeling nails Anemia, easy bruising PMS, […]

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