Foundation Support for Hypothryoidism

hThe thyroid controls the body’s metabolism, so symptoms of hypothyroidism include:

  • Fatigue, lethargy, weakness
  • Depression, irritability, anxiety, insomnia
  • Poor memory & concentration
  • Weight gain, trouble losing weight
  • Sensitivity to cold,  joint/muscle aches
  • Constipation, sluggish digestion
  • Recurring infections, poor immune function
  • High cholesterol
  • Hair thinning/loss, dry hair & skin
  • Brittle, peeling nails
  • Anemia, easy bruising
  • PMS, irregular periods, infertility, low libido


For more general information on the thyroid gland and to read a list of symptoms of hyperthyroidism, see my previous blog post on the thyroid.


Most common causes:

  1. Hashimoto’s disease – an autoimmune disorder.  Rule out by testing TPO and TGB antibodies.
  2. Stress – test cortisol and DHEA levels; support adrenal glands and learn stress-reduction techniques.
  3. Nutrient deficiencies – check for intestinal permeability through a urine test and for digestive function through microbe/parasite/candida testing; optimize digestive function with gut-healing protocol.
  4. Blood sugar imbalance – check your fasting blood sugar and insulin levels; eat low-glycemic index foods and take blood-sugar balancing nutrients.
  5. Inactivity – create a moderate exercise regime to increase blood flow to thyroid.
  6. Certain medications (ie. birth control pill or hormone replacement therapy) – look at alternatives to help support the body naturally.
  7. Hormonal fluctuations – check hormones through saliva, blood or urine testing (DHEA, cortisol, testosterone, IGF-1, estrogen, progesterone, insulin); pregnancy and estrogen dominance can trigger an autoimmune attack.
  8. Heavy metal toxicity – do a hair or urine metal toxic test to rule out heavy metal involvement.

(all testing can be done by Dr. Elliott or another naturopathic doctor)


Basic treatment for everybody:

  • Dietary changes to support healthy digestive function, reduce food allergies/sensitivities and decrease inflammation (which keeps the immune system hyperactive); increase kelp and omega 3 fatty acids and reduce consumption of goitrogens (see Dr. Elliott’s nutritional support hand out for hypothyroidism)
  • Exercise program – benefits thyroid and all organs in the body; increase nutrient and oxygen delivery to tissues and helps excrete wastes
  • Stress-reducing techniques to help balance cortisol and DHEA levels (cortisol adversely impacts immune system and lowered DHEA creates a greater susceptibility to hypothyroidism)
  • General hormone balancing (including insulin, estrogen, progesterone) through the use of herbs, acupuncture, diet, and supplements


Treatment will be specifically tailored to you based on the causes of your hypothyroidism.  If you suspect thyroid issues, book an appointment today to start your journey toward better health.

An excellent resource for those dealing with hypothyroidism, specifically, Hashimoto’s disease: “Why do I still have thyroid symptoms” by Datis Kharrazian.


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