Reduce Potential Health Risks Many chemicals sprayed on fruits and vegetables were EPA-approved before thorough research was conducted. We now know that the EPA considers 60% of herbicides, 90% of fungicides, and 30% of insecticides as being potentially cancer-causing. What is more, these chemicals act as estrogen disruptors in the body and wreak havoc on […]
>Read MoreTag Archives: Organic
Organic – Top Five Reasons Why It’s the Way to Go!
Foods We Must Be Avoiding
I came across an excellent article by Dr. Mercola and wanted to share with my readers. He’s highlighting some great points that we should all be aware of. The original, full article is posted here. The 9 Foods You Should Never Eat By Dr. Mercola June 10, […]
>Read MoreEnergizing Get-Up-&-Go! Smoothie Recipe
Using a Magic Bullet or blender, combine the following and blend until smooth: 1/4 cup nuts/seeds (can be any nut of your choosing or a combo – I used what I had on hand: walnuts & pumpkin seeds) 1/3 ripe avocado Cover with milk (organic vanilla soy, almond, rice, hemp, coconut milk, etc.) Next, […]
>Read MoreChicken with a Side of Arsenic
Ohhh no. I want to share with you another reason why I am a large proponent of purchasing organic meats. If you’re not able to afford organic, at least consider buying free-range poultry (they run outdoors, get sunlight, breathe fresh air and eat their natural feed) from a farm that does not use antibiotics and […]
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