Certain underlying factors will predispose one to experience a less-than-ideal monthly flow, such as a diet high in sugar, carbohydrates and poor-quality oils, a lack of exercise, excessive stress, drinking caffeine and a history of pelvic inflammatory disease. One of the most common causes of female menstrual complaints is an imbalance in estrogen and progesterone […]
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Female Hormonal Complaints from Estrogen Dominance
September 22, 2012 – 2:54 pm
By: Dr. Sacha | Posted in: Hormones Women's Health | Tags: acne, adrenal glands, Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, birth control pill, Breast Cancer, breast tenderness, chaste tree, chastetree, clots, Cortisol, cruciferous vegetables, Detox, Detoxification, dysmenorrhea, endometriosis, Estrogen, Estrogen dominance, fibroids, Hormone replacement therapy, Hypothyroidism, infertility, irregular period, Menopause, menstrual cramps, menstrual cycle, mood swings, ovarian cysts, PMS, Progesterone, Xenoestrogens : | Comment
Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy
September 22, 2011 – 6:13 pm
I’m a huge proponent of the medicine that I practice, which involves healing the body and mind using the gifts of nature. This can be as simple as a whole foods diet, clean water, regular body movement, healthy sleep habits, solid stress management techniques, and herbs. However, for some, this just isn’t enough. Hormone imbalance […]
>Read MoreBy: Dr. Sacha | Posted in: Hormones | Tags: BHRT, Bioidentical hormone, Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, Estrogen, Hormone replacement therapy, Hormones, Menopause, Natural medicine, PMS, Progesterone, Salivary hormone testing, Women's Health : | Comment