Tag Archives: Blood sugar

Whaddya Think of Gluten?

I’ve had some very strange looks at times when I’ve recommended to my patients to go gluten-free. The looks range in severity from mild (“Oh no … I am not sure I can do that”) to full-fledged panic (“What?! Are you crazy lady??”) I am not one to talk the talk, without walking the walk. […]

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By: Dr. Sacha | Posted in: Blood Sugar Immunity & Inflammation Nutrition Uncategorized Weight Control | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , : | Comment

Naturally Thinner

Blood Sugar Dysregulation Insulin is a hormone involved in blood sugar regulation.  When we ingest food, our blood sugar raises as that food is absorbed and the pancreas pumps out insulin to help shuttle the blood sugar into cells where it can be burned as fuel or stored as potential energy.  Irregular blood sugar due […]

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By: Dr. Sacha | Posted in: Allergies Blood Sugar Hormones Nutrition Physical Activity Thyroid Weight Control | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , : | Comment

Blood Sugar Balance

In a previous blog I discussed symptoms of hypoglycemia and irregular blood sugar, and now I’m going to get straight to the goods and give you my best tips for reversing dysglycemia. Just to recap: symptoms of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) are craving sweets or feeling sleepy after meals, needing caffeine for energy, eating in […]

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